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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good Morning

It's such a beautiful morning, the air is fresh and the birds are chirping I'm so blessed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Guyana Day- Atlanta, GA 2011

The 2011 memorial day weekend was indeed a memorable time for me. Traveling to Atlanta, GA with my wife and two sisters, I meet my youngest brother who travelled from Toronto and my youngest sister who travelled from Virginia.
My eldest brother, his wife and family were the perfect hosts. Arriving on Wednesday May 25th we were taken to several famous sites, including the Monastery and the birth and burial sites of Martin Luther King.
Taking part in the Guyana Day Celebrations and twice meeting Brig. General David Granger, the PNCR candidate for president of Guyana and presenting him with a copy of my book "A Time In Our History: Berbice Cricket 1939 to 2010, was truly special.
In addition I was able to promote and sell several copies. Of course you may obtain your copy online at http://www.lulu.com/ and type in Mortimer George.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Veteran cricketer and life member of the Berbice Cricket Board (BCB), Mortimer George, has just finished writing a book. The book ‘A Time in Our History: Berbice Cricket from 1939 to 2010‘, is a historical, informative and instructive work of literature and features the administrators of cricket in Berbice and four presidents of the Berbice Cricket Board along with a few outstanding cricketers. Having served in numerous administrative positions on the BCB, such as Assistant Secretary, Member of the Executive Committee, county selector, Treasurer and also a representative of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), he writes from an insider’s perspective of the development and administration of the sport, revealing as few of the struggles that took place behind the scenes.He tells of the administrators with whom he worked, those men whose leadership would turn out to be invaluable to the advancement of the sport, and of the star players who would claim international fame.

Mortimer George will be appearing at the Guyana Day celebrations in the United States, hosted by the Guyana Association Of Georgia May 29, 2011

Book is available online at www.lulu.com by typing in the author’s name.

The Author's Prospective

Mortimer George here provides a historical review of the growth and development of the sport of cricket in Berbice, Guyana. Having served in numerous administrative positions on the Berbice Cricket Board, he writes from an insider’s perspective of the development and administration of the sport, revealing as few can the struggles that took place behind the scenes as the Board would develop into a breeding ground for some of the most outstanding cricketers to ever play the sport, not only in the West Indies, but also in the world over. He tells of the administrators with whom he worked, those men whose tremendous leadership would be invaluable to the advancement of the sport, and of the star players who would claim international fame. While displaying the pivotal role played by the sport in bringing together the people of Guyana during moments of political instability, Mr. George charts the growth of the Board into an organization that would have a lasting and international impact upon the game.